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James McNee

Marine Biodiversity

With almost two decades worth of experience in the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of marine macro-benthic and environmental data, James specialises in the design and execution of marine environmental surveys. Other notable areas of expertise include laboratory analytical data QA/QC, and the preparation of marine environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) and environmental risk assessments (ERA) for offshore industrial developments and operational activities.

Throughout his career, James has worked across the globe, collaborating with consultancy firms, laboratories, and survey companies in the UK, across Europe, and throughout the Caspian Region. He has also worked with infrastructure developers and asset operators.

James has managed long-term offshore and inshore environmental monitoring programs, with specific responsibilities that included oversight of laboratory service providers, quality management, vessel selection, vessel management, survey planning, data management, and reporting for asset operation teams, regulatory agencies and external stakeholder committees. He has developed corporate policies and procedures for environmental risk assessment and the management of marine environmental surveys and operational discharge monitoring.

James has an MSc in Marine Resource Development and Protection from Heriot-Watt University and a BSc in Environmental Protection. His professional qualifications and certifications include ISO17025 Quality System Awareness/Internal Auditor Training and Multivariate Analysis in Ecology (and Other Sciences) using Primer Version 7.